There are two things here. That which is existing here and now, and a musculo-skeletal structure called body. The Feeling of Existence, is common to all bodies. Even though the bodies appear separate, they are all created by that which is existing here and now. Therefore they cannot be considered separate. The idea of separation is in the brain. Sri Mahaprabu made us dive deep to realize this fact very clearly. It is this separation that is the cause of all suffering, which itself is an illusion. Being in close communion with the Master and repeately strengthening the observation and understanding that this separation is an illusion, will one day end it. 

Tea was being served after Sri Mahaprabu started speaking. Mahaprabu said, “When Mahaprabu starts talking, we should stop all other activities and pay attention. This is not a family gathering where snacks and tea are enjoyed while gossiping. It distracts you and distracts others.”

Two things are here

An important thing that you should observe: There are two things here.
The one which exists here and now, which knows that it is existing here and now, and the existence of the body: Are these two identical? Are both the same?

Close the eyes. Keep the body erect.

One thing you should observe very clearly. The one that is existing here and now, is able to know it is existing here and now, without asking anyone, without any external means of knowledge. Is there any doubt? It is feeling its own existence: Without doing anything. Without any enquiry.

And the body, a structure of muscle and flesh is also existing here and now.

The one that is existing here and now does not have any muscles. It is not made up of any flesh. Are you sure?

Now amongst these two, which knows about the other? Does the one that is existing here and now and knows its own existence, know about the muscular body? Or does the muscular body have the ability to know? Know its own existence and the existence of the one which is existing here and now? No it does not.

Go deep.

Now what you should observe is how these two are related. How are the existence of the one which is existing here and now, and the existence of the muscular body related? Is there any necessity for the one that is existing here and now and not made up of any muscles, to get related to the muscular body? Is there any necessity? No. Then who is making this relationship?

The one that is existing here and now, if it is existing in all the bodies in this hall, will there be any difference in the feeling of existence from one body to another body?

No, there will not. It is identical.

Does it have any location for its existence? If it has any location then try going there and try touching it. Yes, the body has a particular location. We can agree on that. If you draw a graph, you can give coordinates to this body with respect to some origin. But can you give any coordinates for the one which is existing here and now? No. If it does not have any location, then how can it get identified with one body, and say ‘This is me and this is mine?’ This is utter foolishness. See how much cheating has been happening in life. Can you continue with such an ego, which has cheated you so much? Even if you repent and weep the rest of your life, it is not enough to make up for how foolishly we have lived. Then how can you continue with this ego going forward?

So then, is there any relation between these two existences? How can a common thing that is existing everywhere, locate itself to a particular body? How can it say ‘This is me.’? How does this common one which exists everywhere, how can it get identified with a particular muscular structure?

The Body moves, yes. The body moves from one place to another place. It is able to be alive and move only because of the one which is existing here and now and everywhere. The one which is existing here and now, with reference to that body (pointing to a body), the same thing is existing in the nearby body also. At present, you may be unable to realize this fact, that the one that is existing here and now with respect to this body is the same thing which is existing with respect to that body. But it is a fact.

Nothing is separate

The feeling of Existence that is felt by that body is the same feeling felt by all the bodies. So it is common. If that is common, then all the bodies are also common, since they are created by that which is existing here and now. How can you separate things? This idea of separation is the nuisance. Actually nothing is separate. You have an idea that you are separate and you are holding on to that idea and you are suffering a lot because of that one idea.

Bodies are like small paper boats floating on a river. The river is common. As the river flows, the boats flow with it. The bodies are moved by that Existence, which is existing here and now. That which moves, is continuously moving. It has no particular location. And due to its flow alone, the bodies are moving. That is not saying ‘This is my body’. And the body is not saying ‘I am separate’. Then where does this idea of separation come from?

It is not only existing here and now.

Just because that body has been moved here to this room, can you say that the one which exists here and now has this particular location? No. It is not only existing here and now. It exists everywhere. The body currently is here. So, the existence of that which is existing everywhere is different and the existence of the body is different. Only these two are there. Then where comes I and my?

So far I have permitted you to accept that the body and the one which is existing here and now and knows its existence, both are here and now. But now I am showing you the distinction. The one which exists here and now, not only exists here and now. It exists everywhere. That is a key difference. The body is floating in that existence which is everywhere.

So, which is saying this is my body, my boat? What is the meaning of that? You need deep, keen observation. Develop the power of observing. The brain has the ability. As Buddha said: Ulladhai ullapadi kanungal. See things exactly as they are.

So, thinking that this body is you, and this body is yours, both these things are universal stupidity. Don’t accept my words. Analyze. Based on your analysis, if your brain can accept it, then alone accept it. Till then keep on trying to analyze it. What you need is a tremendous observative power. Develop this. For that, what should you do? Stop observing, seeing, and listening to all other useless things.

When you are able to observe this distinction between these two existences, from there a real growth starts. Then you are putting the first step forward correctly. Until then you have not traveled at all. This is the first right step forward. Only when you see this distinction can you manage these two separately. Only then you will not get confused.

[We were sitting with eyes closed and could clearly feel what Sri Mahaprabu was communicating through words. An Existence that was all-pervasive, like a boundless field, within which bodies were appearing and disappearing.]

The importance of staying with me

From the beginning, from the year 2003, I am talking from there, from that point. That is why I am able to give you the direction to see this distinction. Even with your little ability to observe, as you are growing towards the right step, due to the love you are showing towards me, and due to the love I have towards you, and the trust you have in my words, I am able to make you see this distinction at least for a fraction of seconds. If you develop the ability to observe clearly, and as much as possible if you are with me, then there is a possibility. If you are away from me, you are reducing the chances. That is why I am calling you again and again, and asking you, demanding you, to be with me. When you are not with me, there are so many things which can divert your attention. That will not work. Only when your observation becomes total, perfect, still, unoscillating, and undisturbed, then only this kind of understanding is possible.

The cause of suffering

So, don’t forget and don’t get confused. You have to observe just one distinction very clearly. The existence of the one which is nameless, formless, and is existing everywhere, and knows its existence, this existence and the existence of the body are not the same. By realizing the presence of the body here and now, you are assuming the one that exists here and now is also tied to this body. No. It is everywhere. If it is everywhere then how can I say ‘I am separate’. And as the muscular body is unable to think or speak or feel its own existence, then how can you claim that I am separate? Throw this idea out. As long as you are holding on to the idea that you are separate, suffering is unavoidable. That is its nature. And if you clearly see, that suffering is neither to the body nor to the one which is existing everywhere. It is the idea that you are a separate individual which causes the suffering.

All suffering happens in the brain alone. Why does this suffering occur? There is a gap between expectation and reality. There is no alignment. The brain gets confused and undergoes self-torture. That is the suffering. But even though it appears real, the suffering is unreal. But based on this suffering, the whole world of psychology and psychiatry exists. But in my point of view, this suffering is unreal. It is like the moon which appears to shrink in size, when actually it is not reducing. This kind of a problem is there. If you take a photo, you definitely see a reduced size moon. You can argue strongly that it is small. This is how your suffering is too. The shadow is there, true. But in reality the moon is not affected in size. Same thing here.

Observe and understand

The right way is to observe and understand. Keep on observing till the understanding becomes so clear. Most of your life is already gone. What kind of life have you lived? A life based on a totally wrong understanding. Who are you? Where are you? (Mahaprabu was visibly loud). That is why I am not accepting all these people who sit and continuously do self-enquiry. Where are you to do the enquiry? And how can I accept all those other techniques? Where are you to make the enquiry? You should be there in the first place to do an enquiry. Think about my difficulty. Think about my struggle with all of you. You think you are struggling with me! The reverse is true. But even that is apparent only!

Just a silence is existing. Or you can say an existence is existing silently. Just by creating a brain, it is playing a game. It is giving the ability to the brain to get confused, and it is also giving the ability to the brain to get clarity. A game between confusion and clarity. The brain which continuously gets confused becomes mad. And the brain that goes continuously behind clarity, becomes God. It is a God-made game between mad and God.