Devotion First

After Sri Mahaprabu sang a devotional song like he always does with a melting heart, he went into a deep silence. After some time he spoke these words praising the path of Love and Devotion. To attain happiness, love God. Instead, we are all chasing happiness and end up being frustrated.

Is a life where we forget the importance of God even needed? This should be your attitude: O God, Please give me just enough food so I may sing your praise till I die. How can we forget that Shakti that produced us? If you want to see God don’t see anything else. (This situation will come – already closed in my case: my referring to Sri Mahaprabu).
Instead of fighting with this or that person, taking credit for things, etc, yearn for that situation where all you think of is Him. Can one who asks God for things ever be his slave? No. You are a slave to that which you ask. Bhakti is a must. It must ripen. Just knowledge is Kuppa, garbage. Your ego will make you dance! Think of the Shakti that created you and melt. Let it roast you. Every day allot time exclusively for God. Ripen, melt, then you can stand in Jnana without ego, without falling. Tell God, I know how dangerous my ego is. I don’t want it. I just want to be at your feet. I don’t want anything else.
For example, Even to get the friendship of the local village officer how much you have to serve him and his organization. Only then he will even recognize you. Now Imagine getting the friendship of the Chief Minister, then Prime Minister. Now imagine getting the grace of God! How much you have to work to deserve it. Only then can you even be really happy. Also, he is ALL, Everything. So try to see him in all; Family, friends, foes, strangers, and finally Guru. Obedience, Faith, heart-to-heart relationship with the Guru is what will save you when suffering increases. So increase those qualities and build a good relationship with your Guru by showing your love and getting his love.

Love, not Knowledge is the Key

You are the Thuli (Drop). You have to go to the Ocean (Kadal). The Ocean won’t come to the drop. The Drop has to yearn. The Lower has to yearn. It has to be and stay a receiver. Only then it can attain the higher. Filled with knowledge, how can you receive it? You will only give! Only in melting, Bhakti, Kalandhu Kariandhu Kanamal Podhal will happen (dissolving and disappearing).

What is God’s Form?

God’s form is Love. For him to come, you have to approach him with Love. If two people approach God, one with Love and the other with Knowledge, TOP PRIORITY will be given to Love, by Him. This is my message. Everyone, by all means, wants only one thing in the end: Happiness. How can it be attained? By Love. If you Love God, Happiness will follow you automatically. But if you love happiness it will lead to expectation and soon frustration and selfishness. So Love God.

Love, God, Happiness

Directly you cannot go to Happiness, but that’s what we are ALL doing. So give your total love to God, the Supreme Power, Guru. Your selfishness will go and what comes? Happiness i.e. Losing your individuality leads to Happiness. The love you show God/Guru, He multiplies it N Fold and returns it to you as Happiness!