Sri Mahaprabu points out the importance of slowing down in all our day to day actions. We are always hurried on the outside because we are in a hurry inside. With such a rushed mind, when we sit for meditation, most of the time goes in slowing the mind down. Not in meditation.

Like dogs and monkeys, humans also don’t like to sit in one place for a long time. It is as though they are forced to move about. What is behind the body is a thinking and emotional system. A combination of thoughts, emotions, beliefs, attitudes, habits, all collectively called as Mind. For many lives, we have been operated by this kind of system. This life too. Always thinking or thinking to do something. To get rid of this pattern is not an easy task is difficult but it has to happen. It has to sit for long time, politely. Why because, the process involves a deep and keen observation, in an unoscillated state.

Always behind the body there is an active, moving mind. First it has to be stopped. It is called Asanam. That does not mean keeping the body in a particular position. It means keeping the mind which is behind the body in an unoscillating state. When this movement behind the body is stopped, then something which is here and now will be brought to your attention. Even the attempt in observing is actually a slow movement also. But that will stop by itself at a particular point. When there is no movement, the one which is existing here and now will be brought to the attention. Because the brain has the power of attentiveness. So, the one which is existing here and now will be exposed to the brain. All is possible only when there is no internal movement. This is very important.

You can see people who are highly emotional, highly reactive. If you say something they will react immediately. Because the system behind the body is highly active.

If you notice, people walk fast in general [SC: this can only be really felt when you walk with Mahaprabu. You will see how hurried we are, for no reason.] Why is it fast? Because the mind is active. Such a mind won’t allow you to settle. So, that should be settled first. Sitting with the Master in meditation regularly might feel difficult. The body may fall asleep. So, during day to day activities also, not only just while sitting, we always have to have an alertness and practice of slowing down the speed of the mind. If something has to be done very quickly, even then we have to do it slowly. For all these things, first time consciousness has to go.

A disciple recently asked me “Can I ask you a quick question?” I said ‘No’. He was shocked because Mahaprabu has never stopped him from asking any question. I said ‘No’ Because I wanted him to ask it slowly. Not quickly. That speed should be reduced. Because what is activating this body is the thinking system behind. This combination of thoughts, emotions, beliefs, attitudes, and habits.

Nothing should be rushed. This should become a habit in our daily routine activities. Only then, while sitting for meditation, the meditation will happen. It happens only for a relaxed mind. Not for a mind which is always in a rush. First come out of time consciousness. Actually there is no time. Time is only for the body. Date of birth and Date of death.

These are all important things to be followed in order to experience the Truth. The Truth can be felt only in an unoscillated state, where the mind comes to NIL state. That is why Patanjali says Yoga is stopping of the mind. Yoga Citta Vritti Nirodha. So, in the daily routine also, do everything in a relaxed way.

Slow down the mind. Don’t let it run wildly. Otherwise when you sit with eyes closed for an hour, the whole hour will be spent in slowing down the mind. While sitting, within seconds the mind should get stopped. But a sudden brake cannot be applied. Already the mind should be in a slow pace. Then when you sit, as things have been slowed down already, the mind will come to a stop soon, as everything is settled. As the right ambience is available, THAT which is inside will expand and reveal itself. Like a peacock expanding its feathers totally, when the ambience is right. As it enjoys the right ambience, it does it slowly and beautifully. Never hurried.

Our job is to create the right ambience. You should first know which is the right ambience. When you are in association with a Master, you will know. When the right ambience is created inside, the peacock inside cannot stop dancing. This is the whole effort of all the Masters. To create the right ambience in the disciple. And even if the ambience is right you cannot force the peacock to expand its feathers. It cannot be forced. But one thing is sure. Unless the ambience is right, there is no chance. It is enough if you are able to recognize that the peacock is there inside. Like a bud inside. You cannot force it to bloom. Only the arrogant nature of the mind will want to force it to come out. That will not work.

So, slow down in all your actions. Do them patiently, with awareness.