Sleep, Atma and Introducing 'Attention'

Sri Mahaprabu dives deep in a discussion about Atma, Attention, Feelings, Thoughts, Body and World. It resulted in an absolutely brilliant unraveling of these various layers and what one needs to do to unentangle oneself from the traps in these layers. A must-read for, especially for an advanced seeker. Please make sure to read Part 1 of this talk before reading this.

The importance of Attention

SC: I learnt something valuable today that while am not the ego on one hand, and on the other Atma is a mere concept to me, I realize that there is an ‘Attention’ that is separate, and that I am the Attention. It is self-evident to me (i.e. it is not a means of knowledge). I’d even say I am the Attention. (When the letter is used below it refers to that which we all ARE. We Exist. The Existence that is 24 Hours. Our true nature. Atma, etc.)

Mahaprabu: Definitely. Only with that Attention can you feel Atma. You have to hold on to Attention strongly.

See, Attention is different, Feelings are different. Below Feelings is Atma. Thoughts are different. Body is different. World is different. Of all of these, which is the closest to Atma, X? Attention. Think of all these as layers covering each other for example, with X at the nucleus. The first layer surrounding it is Attention, then Samskaras, Feelings, Thoughts etc. When the Attention expands outward what happens? It will go towards Feelings, Thoughts, Body and World. But if it becomes highly focused, shrinks (Odungual), what will it reveal? Atma X!

In the world layer will there be emotion? No. Thought? No. Body? No. For example, if Body has headache will the world have headache? Like that, each of these are only in its own layer, but Attention alone can go to all layers when it expands. Where does Attention come from? X. That means, X, Atma is in all layers, in the form of Attention, but not in its concentrated form. I’m saying all this for your understanding. Watch closely. A disturbance in the body won’t affect the world. But the disturbance in the body impacts Attention. Similarly, a disturbance in any layer disturbs Attention. When attention is disturbed, who is disturbed? X, Atma!

SC: But Atma cannot be disturbed right?

Mahaprabu: That is only theory to you. That is not your experience. Atma cannot be destroyed is true. But it does get disturbed. That disturbance does not destroy Atma, but that disturbance is the real motivation for Atma Jnana. What is the most peaceful thing? Atma. Attention comes from Atma. When Attention gets impacted in all layers, Attention gets disturbed. As a result, Atma is disturbed. But since Atma’s nature is peace, when it feels the disturbance, it becomes the motivation for it to regain peace. That’s why you want to sit and meditate! If Attention was not disturbed at any level, and Atma was therefore undisturbed, will Atma ever sit and meditate? Will there be any motivation? You see, this disturbance is the real motivation! It gets the sense that going outwards leads to disturbance.

All this in concept is OK. But in practical terms, you have to ensure that the Attention is not disturbed in any level. No matter what the outer situation (world), physical situation (body, thoughts, feelings) is, you have to recollect that Attention is separate and not fall for the trap ‘I am disturbed’. Here is where Surrender is a tremendous help. Surrender gives immediate peace and calms the disturbance. Since X’s nature is also peace, Surrender leads to strength. You will be in the same world and body but with more strength. Though there is disturbance in any layer, as you have developed strength, the disturbance will not disturb you (Attention). When Attention is not disturbed one bit, X is not disturbed one bit, everything will happen perfectly as you operate in the world. This is Sagajam, Sagaja abhyasam (a continuous state of silence throughout daily activity). When there is no need for the Attention to function in the world, body, thought, etc. it will shrink and stay in X where it will feel a total peace, a total strength. Complete rejuvenation. Everything will be shut off, but Attention will be there with X. Then you will realize this Sleepless-Sleep.

So see, what is it that makes all these layers glow? Atma. To be more accurate, the Attention that comes from Atma. So unless the Attention goes to those layers, they won’t even exist for you. See, this is how you can shut down the world by withdrawing Attention from those layers.
SC: Yes, they are dead matter. Attention enlivens them.

Mahaprabu: Yes, that’s why Sadhu Om says ‘Vizippil Ulagai, Udalai Mana Ennagalai udhaseena paduthhi pazaga vendum’ (Always ignore, treat as inconsequential, World, Body, and Thoughts). You are the one showing light on them. Turn off the light everywhere and see the origin of the light. Always staying in X is one extreme. Always leaving X and staying in all other layers is another extreme. You go to Atma, experience X, and then come to all layers. Only one thing: The disturbance created in each and every layer should not disturb you. That ability you can develop. Because it is possible. In spite of all the disturbances in all the layers, it is possible to stay undisturbed. That is your potential, your capacity. But right now it is not like that. Regaining your potential, your capacity is enlightenment.

Have you heard this anywhere? X is traveling at 100 Kmph in heavy traffic while talking to you. In between when the line was cut with you, I spoke on 6 calls. Yet when we resume, the conversation resumes where we left it. Because IT is doing everything.

SC: Yes Mahaprabu. And unless X involves itself in all layers, this kind of messages won’t come out. (referring to the fact that if Mahaprabu sat in silence, in X, without going outward, the world will not come to know of these insights that are pouring out right now)

A brilliant example

Mahaprabu: Yes, you have to have the experience of X and travel in all layers. Like a spider. It weaves the web, stays in the center of the web and it can go to extremes also. Sometimes it will also tactfully use just a single strand, to hang outside the web. And the beauty of the spider is that it weaves the net to catch what? Small Insects. But the spider even though it is a small insect itself, it never gets trapped. It will walk and dance on the spider web. (SC: What a beautiful example. I’ve heard the spider example in the scriptures but never ever like this). So, who created the Spider?
SC: Atma, X.

Mahaprabu: Such a great technology of the spider, weaving different sizes of webs, in the right places, traveling across the webs, outside them, hanging from them, not getting trapped in them, so much intelligence is in the spider, therefore that intelligence is in-built into X. Since X is pervading all, this intelligence is everywhere, in everything, in everyone. But you can see the spider explicitly where? In the Guru. He will mix with everyone in the world but won’t get trapped. Try to be a spider. It never goes to extreme i.e. never does it always stay spinning web, nor does it always stay in the web. When there is no need, it doesn’t spin, when there is a need it spins. But look at people practicing Atma Jnana. They make up an artificial lifestyle that becomes rigid.

See, that Attention can abide in X or expand totally. You said Atma cannot be disturbed. I’m saying Atma ‘can’ be without being disturbed but right now it is not. See how subtle the difference is.

Now you need to take this clarity you got and move to the next step. This is hearing or listening, Shravanam. How long will you be in Shravanam. Every now and then keep remembering. The inside work has to keep on going. Take the members in the family. You think they are continuously enquiring or interested in enquiring about their real nature. If you sit with them and keep talking (for example I’m saying), will you be able to do Mananam? No. Like in a hostel when everyone is studying for the exam, you also will feel like studying. Instead if you come home, the atmosphere is the opposite. All are watching TV, a cricket match. Slowly you’ll get pulled in. Similarly, Mananam can be done regularly only if you are in Satsang with the Guru regularly. Otherwise you’ll let what you heard slip away. In Satsang you will be in touch.

SC: Throughout the day the thought of ‘I am not the body’ keeps coming. It is increasing day by day.

Mahaprabu: What a blessing that is. Of so many crores of people, who has this blessing? You should take it as a huge blessing (asirvadham). God has selected me out of so many and given me the opportunity to think of him 24×7, what a tremendous grace is operating. If you keep on sensing it, will you lose strength? Will you be frustrated? If you are, then you aren’t sensing it. A very great work is happening. Move to Nidhidhyasanam. See, disturbance will exist in all layers. You cannot quit the layers. But you know that you have the capacity to be undisturbed. You don’t have that ability now, but you CAN develop it. For now don’t go to places where you can be disturbed. Try to be in Surrender. That will give you strength. Instant strength. Instant power. The disturbance will minimize. Come to X. Stay in X. Then go to a low-risk disturbance. See if you can be without disturbance there. Then come back to X. This is how you attain Jnana. Then you attain Sagaja Jnana.

The things I’m telling you now are what I knew in 2003. I had this clarity then. Not something I got yesterday. I’m just driving a car now at 100km (Laughing). I’m sharing what happened in 2003. But it’s so fresh. It is ancient, but always fresh as Osho says. What I’m telling you now which is theory to you, when you work and bring it to experience, then you will attain moksha, come out of this curse. Whether we come out of this curfew or not, we should come out of this curse, since this curfew also is part of the curse! (referring to Covid lockdown).

The more earnestly someone asks, the more it comes from me. The next step will be even deeper. Right now it is like a theory for you. As I speak it will turn into experience for you, without your effort. You will shrink in X. That’s going to happen.