Isn't it all a dream?

A common trap for a seeker is to claim that it is all a dream, everything is an illusion, so why bother trying to improve. All efforts are in the dream etc. Sri Mahaprabu shatters this misconception by giving a clear picture of what is actually going on.

GR: The world definitely seems like a figment of imagination, with various dream personalities. So, why should I strive for perfection for GR if he is fiction, in a dream? I mean why perfect him from Kama, Krodha, etc? It leads to suppression and guilt. Why bother fixing him if the whole thing is a dream?

Mahaprabu: Your understanding is good. But be careful. GR is entirely Thought. But Kama (desire, lust, etc) has a Body aspect, a Thought aspect, and a Unarvu (Feeling) aspect. GR himself could be pretending as Awareness! He will split into two. Normal GR (Let’s call it NGR) and Spiritual GR (Let’s call it SGR). NGR has Kama Vasanas. SGR opposes it. But SGR is actually NGR. NGR does not want SGR to oppose him. So a 3rd role is created by NGR (Mahaprabu laughing) where NGR pretending as SGR becomes a referee : Let’s call him HGR – Hybrid!!. Who will he side with? He will tilt the game toward NGR! This HGR will appear to treat both sides as equal but eventually will side NGR’s way. In fact, SGR is created by NGR for the very purpose of getting his way. GR wins in the end! (Peals of laughter)

Surrendering is the only way

Surrender means getting rid of all 3. No games.
Surrender all these thoughts of ‘It is dream’ etc. Only live as a Disciple. I belong to Him. I am here on His terms. In Every Act bring in the feel of: ‘On behalf of Him I am here, I am doing’. This is Awareness. Slowly progress. Cooperation will increase. At the point, when you say ‘On behalf of’, you are creating Awareness and pulling Mahaprabu. Uyir (Life Source) is contacting Uyir, so the connection will happen. Energy will come to you from here, which will push you ahead. At that point, due to the connection, a solution to a specific situation will also come from Mahaprabu and it will be the right decision. Yennagalaal erpatta ninaipu, anmai connectiona marum. What began as a thought will transform into a connection at the level of Atma.

GR: Should I invoke the physical form of Mahaprabu?

Mahaprabu: Yes. That is all you can do. The transformation will take it from Physical -> Mental -> Spiritual. If you try it, it means you have again put on SGR role for Guru! (Laughing). So SGR is definitely coming!! (Laughing).

This is beyond mind. The Supreme Power is directly speaking with you. It is giving you a clear picture. Supreme Power is operating through Mahaprabu. I surrender to that intelligence, the Supreme Power which is beyond mental intelligence. Now that I understand this, I need to implement it. Take a strong decision and be strong in that decision. (referring to the decision to Surrender)